Rainbow River Chapter, NSDAR was formed in 2016. Our 21 organizing members felt there was a need to serve the southern parts of Marion County, as well as providing weekend meetings for working women. Rainbow River Chapter, NSDAR meets on the third Saturday of the month at 9:30 a.m. from September until June, unless otherwise noted.
Some of our 2017-2018 projects are:
- Collected purses and fill them with toiletries and other items for homeless women
- Collected scrubs for women in domestic abuse situations to wear after hospital visit
- Collected Gatorade for local JROTC unit
- Saved cancelled stamps to send to group that distributes to wounded veterans
- Collect Box Tops for Education to support the DAR schools
- Made valentines for active duty military persons overseas
- Wrote Christmas cards for patients in nearby VA Medical Center
- Contributed to a Native American school
- Prepared a display in a local library about Constitution Week
- Placed American flags on veterans graves for Memorial Day
- Donated gift cards to Miami area VA after Hurricane Irma
- Collected art supplies for local vet center for art therapy program
We are growing. We currently have 60 members as of June 2, 2018. We welcome all women eligible to join DAR to grow with us. If you are a DAR member and have just moved here to southern Marion County, we would love to have you transfer your membership. If you have questions about DAR or our chapter please contact us.